Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Music to my Ears

The other day Liz said something that was just so beautiful, it almost made me fall over. Here's roughly how the conversation went:

Me: "Oh hey, the mortgage company sent us a check, something about our escrow account being too large."
Liz: "Sweet... well just send it back with the next payment and it's like we never got it."

I've made it obvious on the blog that I'm a big fan of continuing to pay the mortgage down as fast as possible, and we've had many many conversations about our plans and how we want to handle money, but it made me so happy to hear her express exactly what I was thinking. There's a lot to be said for being on the same page, and it's something I really appreciate.


You guys are too freakin' awesome. Love you both.

Can I just "like" a post like on Facebook?

Ha. I was thinking the exact same thing, Mike Brody.