Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ditch #2 - DVDs

Oh, this one is a toughy (for me at least, Liz couldn't care less).

I love movies. I love movies a lot, but ever since we became members of Netflix in February 2006, there has just been no need to purchase movies. We have probably watched an average of about 15 movies a month since 2006 and we are only paying $16. That's enough to buy 1 new movie every month. So it economically doesn't make sense to buy movies anymore. We also aren't even watching most of what we have anyway, so why hold on to them?

Our "collection", if it can be called that anymore, has continued to dwindle and this month that trend continues. Here are the list of movies we are ditching:

Batman Begins
A Beautiful Mind
Battlestar Galactica - Season 1
Bruce Almighty
Da Ali G Show - Season 1
Da Ali G Show - Season 2
Eight Below
Friends - The "Best of" Collection
Lost - Season 1
Kate & Leopold
Legally Blonde
Million Dollar Baby
Ocean's Eleven
The Simpsons - Season 3
Spiderman 2
The Terminal

Of course this is only round one of movie ditching that we are doing. The second round will include the movies I want to ditch but I also want to watch one more time before I do it.  Look for that later on in the month.