Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ditch #16 - Old Backpack

I'm beginning to see a theme with all the things I am ditching, "things Liz has always wanted me to get rid of".

I got this backpack around the end of middle school or beginning of high school (that's 15 years folks). It got me through high school and college. I can't believe how well it has weathered all that wear and tear. Since then it has always been my travel backpack until December when I got a new backpack for Christmas. It has just sat for 360 days out of the year in our front bedroom, but now with my new backpack, there's no point in keeping this around.

So off to Goodwill it goes.


Wow. I'm not sure if I could get rid of a backpack.

But your new backpack is so AWESOME!