Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ditch #30 - Old Clothes

I cannot express how difficult it is for me to get rid of clothes. For some reason, above all other things, getting rid of clothes just hurts. Somehow I get the idea that clothes are a part of me and by getting rid of them, I'm losing part of myself. I have that complex where I sometimes think inanimate objects have feelings, and my clothes are about to get very angry that they are being ditched.

Liz can create a Goodwill pile out of her clothes as easily as she picks out outfits for the day, but these two piles were a struggle for me. These clothes have either not been worn or they have been worn too much and are stretched out. I really don't like t-shirts where the necks are larger than they should be and some of these items fall into that category.

So a few of these clothes I never knew, and a few of them I knew way too well, but to the ditch pile they go!

This is random, but one day I was walking upstairs and saw Gryffin laying down on the arm rest of our chair in the living room. This chair and the ottoman are considered their window watching area, but this was just too funny and awkward looking not to take a picture of.

We've caught him doing this every now and then in the sweet room, we call it his "Gargoyle Pose".