Thanks to Liz's super-cleaning-frenzy she has gone on this weekend, the pile of ditches has grown. By the way, this now ties the record for the most number of posts I've had in a month. Woo hoo!

I've kept these phones for the same reason I kept my old computer, thinking one day I could convert back to them if my current phone ever breaks. Phones are CRAZY expensive if you aren't also starting a new plan, so if our phones break we have to have a backup plan. But keeping these are ridiculous.

The phone in the middle was my first cell phone ever. It's a Nokia I got it in 2002. The phone on the left was my third and is the Motorola Razr that I bought in 2006. The phone on the right is Liz's phone she got when she graduated college and she had that from 2007 to 2010. While they all will function, they probably aren't acceptable enough to donate anywhere. The Razr's send button doesn't work, so at the end I could only ever answer the phone. The old Nokia is so old that it doesn't do digital signals well, only analog. And the LG on the right had some serious reception problems at the end. So all 3 should be ditched.

Just like all the other ditches, I'll have to decide what to do with them. I do have a "scrap logic" bin at work where I can toss computer-like parts to be recycled, so I may do that. I feel like I should also take the batteries out if I do that and recycle them properly too. Decisions, decisions.


I've seen cell phone recycling somewhere, maybe Whole Foods? Where they take your old phone and clean it up and give it away to someone who can't afford a new phone? I can't remember for sure where I saw it...

Check this out!

Clear the data - do a hard reset before you get rid of them. Let me know if you need help finding a place to recycle - I know Samsung has a few programs that accept all manufacturers devices.