Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ditch #27 - Dog Pillow

Maybe it's just me, but I get attached to things like this. It would be very difficult for me to ditch a pillow like this. Liz on the other hand doesn't care even a little bit. This is a pillow she had in college and voluntarily tossed it in the ditch pile. I'm not going to argue, because as the month winds down, I'm finding it harder and harder to find things to ditch.

I thought about trying to come up with a HUGE ditch for the last day of the month. Something that would make people go "WHAT?!". But nothing has really come to mind, it's not like I'm going to ditch my car or something. I did bring up the topic of ditching my Chad Johnson jersey but Liz thinks I'd regret that. I just know that it's getting harder and harder to support someone so psychotic as him. If I'm wearing a jersey, I at least want to have respect for the person I'm representing.

Do people think these month challenges are dumb? That question is dumb because no one except someone named "anonymous" would comment and say "you're wasting your time, these things are stupid". I really enjoy doing these challenges. I feel like the second we stop trying to do new and cool things, is the second you realize years have passed by with nothing to show for it. I want to make the most of my days/weeks/months and having something to shoot for and challenge myself is my way of doing it. The challenge I have planned for April should be a fun and interesting one. I think whoever reads this blog will benefit from it. I'll blog about it sometime this week.


Your challenges are awesome! I like the frequency of the posts when you're in the midst of a challenge, and thus far they've been on interesting subjects.

I'm also more excited than I should be to find out what you'll do in April. Your foreshadowing worked.

Thanks Lynn! I appreciate the kind words! As for April... the challenge won't be too terribly exciting to anyone besides me throughout the month, but I think the results should be VERY beneficial to anyone who reads. foreshadowing! muahahaha!