Friday, March 11, 2011

Ditch #11 - More Books

Part of me feels like I'm cheating having 3 different days of ditching books, while the other part of me says "Shut up logic, at least you're getting rid of something!"

We did have a lot of books we didn't need to keep around the house, as I'm sure everyone who reads this blog does. Lets be honest, most books you only need/want to read once. There are VERY FEW books I have ever read twice. The same can probably be said when it comes to movies for a lot of people. That doesn't really apply to me, I like watching movies more than once.

Funny story about the book on the right, "A Tale of Two Cities", I got it at Barnes & Noble thinking "I really feel like reading a classic that I wasn't force to read in High School". I got about 1/3 of the way in and realized why most people read it out of necessity. It's almost like reading the bible, where some sentences you have to re-read several times to really digest what is trying to be communicated. And the slightest daydream ruins about a page and a half and you have to go back. When it comes down to it, the book is boring so I stopped.


I don't think you're cheating in the slightest by ditching books on three days. If it were me, I would be tempted to ditch a single item per day. You ditched multiple books each time, so I think you're well ahead of the game.

Incidentally, I really love the look of a full bookshelf, so our books aren't going anywhere. Of course, it's even better if you love the books in question, so A Tale of Two Cities sounds like a good ditch for you.