Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ditch #15 - Corduroy Cowboy Hat

This is one post Liz has been waiting for. You might be asking yourself "what in the world are you doing with a corduroy cowboy hat?!" And my answer is basically, I have no freakin' clue.

When Liz and I moved her stuff a few years ago from Virginia to North Carolina, we started in Cincinnati so we could get some things from both our parents. Somehow in the moving process, this hat made it's way onto the truck in Cincinnati and has lived in our front bedroom ever since.

I have never worn this hat before. Under what circumstances would it be OK to wear this hat? The only acceptable time I could wear this hat is if we went to the City Limits Saloon in Raleigh, but even then I'm not sure. I'm just not awesome enough, and I can live with that. 

So to Goodwill goes the cowboy hat, I'll just have to get my boot-scooting-booty going without a sweet cowboy hat.


Thanks for never wearing this.

Wow, I'm actually kind of digging the corduroy cowboy hat.

Incidentally, I was curious whether real cowboys wore corduroy, so I did a google search for "corduroy cowboy hat" and your blog is totally the #5 google hit (with or without the quotes.)