Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ditch #6 - Pint Glasses

We have way too many glasses that are faded, cracked, chipped or are an awkward size for a drink. All these pint glasses fall into that category. So they have got to go.

The nice thing about ditching these items is that they can go right into the recycle bin with the glass.

This "A Ditch A Day" challenge is getting more and more difficult. For a lot of reasons including that I don't feel like we even have that much crap in the first place. I also struggle getting rid of something that I know we'll use in the future. If we're eventually going to use it, there's no point in getting rid of it. And lastly because some of the things I feel like we don't need are possibly gifts from friends or family. I could scrap something I personally bought in a heartbeat but I feel bad ditching something that was given to us. Oh well, it's all a part of the challenge.

Alright talk to you tomorrow, bye.