Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Me vs. Machine - Final Results

I don't have too much time to blog right now because my hair is driving me crazy and I'd like to go upstairs and cut it. So here is the final tally:

Considering that I was up by about 170 miles at one point. I'm not too terribly thrilled with 127. But I'll take it considering this challenge was supposed to be tough. Honestly, I mentally checked out from the challenge around Friday the 27th. You can tell by all the driving around I did. I figured there was nothing to lose since the challenge was completely in the bag.

I think I will be biking to work much more often but tomorrow I'll take a break and drive.

There are a few things that surprised me during the challenge:

  • Right before the challenge started I bought a seat pad since biking tends to hurt the crotch. Wow did that do wonders, I had no pains all month in that region despite the constant biking.
  • The first week affected my marathon training but once I got used to the biking, it had no effect whatsoever. I thought I'd at least miss some runs or be tired more often, but it wasn't bad.
  • I ate a lot more seeing as I was exercising more and therefore did not lose weight.
Really this was not a challenge testing endurance or stamina or physical abilities. It was more a month that tested my ability to overcome inconvenience. It's inconvenient to get sweaty on the commute to work, carry extra clothes, and have to shower at work. It's inconvenient to take 25 minutes biking home when driving takes 6. There was nothing physically difficult about it, but there were many times I just didn't feel like jumping through hoops. It was worth it though.

I might do this challenge again during cooler weather. Maybe April or something in the Spring. We'll see.

I was told that my companies Rec Center will be writing an article in their newsletter about my challenge. That'll be kinda awesome.

Did I say I wasn't going to write very much? Yeah, I'm always far too long-winded.

"What is not started today is never finished tomorrow." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"For every finish-line tape a runner breaks - complete with the cheers of the crowd and the clicking of hundreds of cameras - there are the hours of hard and often lonely work that rarely gets talked about." -Grete Waitz

"Whatever accomplishment you boast of in the world, there is someone better than you." -Proverb


Congrats Mike! That's pretty awesome.

congrts Michael! i'm sure lee can't wait to publish the piece at the rec center. he may even ask you if you'd want to do program to anyone interested. he asked us to do one after our nepal trip. (we declined... felt it was too much like bragging...).