Saturday, August 14, 2010

Daily Movie Cravings

You ever have a craving for chocolate or ice cream? I know Liz always has cravings for our neighborhood Mexican restaurant "El Dorado". There's no doubt about it, I give in every time that craving comes along. I don't usually get too many food cravings, mine seem to come in another form.

For some reason I have a craving every single day to watch a certain random movie. I'll be sitting at work or running on the treadmill and think "OH MAN! I want to watch that RIGHT NOW!" I'd be surprised if I'm alone in this feeling. This week, these were/are my cravings:

  • Wednesday: James Bond - Casino Royale with Daniel Craig
  • Thursday: The Hangover
  • Friday: Avatar
  • Saturday: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
I usually never indulge my cravings mainly because they come up at the dumbest times and I forget about them. There have been times though and it's been glorious. Usually movies that become regular cravings are movies I have to buy. For example:

  • I Love You, Man
  • The Breakup
  • Knocked Up
  • Forgetting Sarah Marshall
  • A Knight's Tale
  • Rocky (all of them)
  • Rudy
  • Cinderella Man
  • Harry Potter (all of them)
  • Love Actually
I think the reason I like "Love Actually" is more because it's so Christmas themed and the movie counts down to Christmas. I love that time of year with the coldness and music and atmosphere. The other movies invoke feelings in the extreme, being either humor or action or heroism and I think that's why I always crave them in particular. Like if I'm running and feeling energized and think "MAN! I could totally listen to Rocky right now!" because of how pumped it makes me.

I may indulge my craving later today, we'll see.


I think you might be alone in your movie cravings. Or at least alone in admitting it. :)

hey michael! sandy and i just watched defiance with daniel craig this weekend. might be a bit heavy, but without saying too much, we liked it. if you watch it, we'll share observations. if you don't, i'll give you my two cents... watching the broncos and your bengals right now!!! woo hoo! (fwiw... i'm no tim tebow fan.)