Friday, August 20, 2010

Me vs. Machine - Update 4

I'm kickin' the car's butt. Here are the updated stats:

On Thursday I didn't plan on going out for lunch but at the last minute decided to go to a co-worker's retirement party, so that added 31 miles to my total. The buffet was worth it. Fortunately Thursday was a heavy day as far as working out was concerned so it didn't hurt me too bad. Saturday and Sunday should include a TON of miles for biking and running so that's good. I should be over 100 on my buffer in no time.

One thing I have learned in the past week is that it's a LOT easier and safer to run and walk on the roads than it is to bike. I think that opens up a world of possibilities for me as far as exercise goes. If I have to run 17 or 18 miles, I might just find some roads to run on. What I usually do is go to the trails or get on the treadmill. I still don't feel entirely safe biking though. You can't see the cars coming while biking and you either hold your space on the side or if you have to bail, you fall off to the side where there might not be anything. Cars are mostly polite but I just don't trust other people when it comes to 2 ton moving objects.

"Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is." -Vince Lombardi

"Failures do what is tension relieving, while winners do what is goal achieving." - Dennis Waitley