Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Me vs. Machine - Update 2

It's days like today when I realize why I have built up such a large buffer for my challenge. I was getting ready to have such a productive night of blogging and budgetting and website building but that all changed when I got called to do some Landlording work. So I headed out and racked up almost 19 miles on my car and thus my night was pretty much spent.

If this was 3 hours ago, the heading would have read "WhoDey's Got Nothing On ME!". Unfortunately, the unexpected took that confidence away from me and my car caught up a little bit. Here are the updated numbers:

One thing I have decided is that for the rest of the month, I don't see any reason to drive to work. That should make for some really good mileage.

I also added another column to my numbers above. The column titled "WhoDey" is the mileage for my car, and the column titled "Car" is for both WhoDey and Liz's car.

I'm starting to get over the fatigue of the month. Maybe I am getting in better shape, but I'm getting over being tired pretty quickly. So that's a good sign because if there is anything that'll stop me from succeeding is exhaustion or injury. So far both have stayed very far away... **knock on wood**.

Headin to bed.

"Persistence is the twin sister of excellence. One is a matter of quality; the other, a matter of time."