Monday, September 6, 2010

Making Blood Donation Real

This morning I had an appointment to donate platelets at 7:30AM. I made the appointment back in July before realizing exactly what day September 6th was. Who cares though, I probably would have been up with the dogs anyway. So I sucked it up and went.

During the donation, Olena, the woman who was drawing my blood, taps my arm and says "you're really lucky today" and I said "why is that?" and she said "Because there is someone at the hospital waiting for your donation right now". I have always wondered about that process. Who gets my blood? For what reason? How does it help them? I mean I can search on Google as many times as I want, but that only gives general overviews of platelet processes. Here was someone offering me direct and relevant information on where this red stuff running out of my arm is going.

This set my mind running with questions, all of which she didn't answer too well at all or maybe I just didn't understand her science-speak. But I will try to do my best to outline them and give her brief response:

  • How do you know that?
    They have a sheet in the back with a list of the appointments who are donating directly to another person. Mine was one of them.

  • So they are at the hospital now?!?
    Yes, either now or this afternoon, but the blood is going straight over to the hospital once I was done.

  • I thought all of our donations went to someone?!
    Yes they do, but most of the time they are used for general purposes. People who aren't that sick can have anyone's donations because they have the antibodies to accept different platelets, but people who are very sick can only have blood from someone who is a direct "HLA" match.

  • So the person getting my donation is very sick?
    Yes, they are extremely sick. So they can only accept platelets from someone who is an exact "HLA" match. You're blood and their blood are identical which is why you're blood is going to them.

  • What are they suffering from?
    She didn't know that.

  • Will my having allergy issues today hurt them?
    No, that won't have any effect.

  • How often do you have exact matches like this?
    Not that often.
I can't think of any other questions I asked her but I grilled her and I know I asked some of the same questions twice because I had no idea on the science behind her answers. Also don't pay attention to the scientific accuracy to my answers above, I might have heard her wrong because I was trying to listen to her answers while still watching "Clash of the Titans".

This conversation got me thinking though, why isn't there more transparency between donation givers and receivers. Probably because they want to keep the privacy of who is sick or whatever, but I think if I were sick I would very badly want to thank the person who donated for me.

I have to say, I have always loved donating blood but this situation just floored me. How much more real can it get? I didn't go to 8 years of medical school. I didn't go through nursing school. I have most likely not contributed to any products that have helped someone with a life-threatening disease. But today I drove over to the Red Cross and provided something a doctor or nurse could not. All it took was a small inconvenience from me in both time and a slight pinch in both arms in order to help someone who may be suffering from an illness like cancer. There's really no better feeling. It just reiterated how much I love being involved in something so awesome.

If you ever are interested, I'd be happy to send you the phone number to make an appointment for a donation. You watch a movie, get snacks at the end, and help save someone's life.


Wow, that is really special! Nice work and glad you can see (or at least hear) real results.

That's awesome. Good for you!

I can't donate anymore because of a clotting issue, and Scott can't give because he passes out every time. I'm thankful for people like you who CAN and DO!

That's awesome Michael!! How wonderful!

Quick question:
How often do you donate platelets?
I understand you could give up to 24 times per year and can still give your blood donation every 9 weeks. Is that correct?

I donate every 3 weeks. I might start doing every 2 weeks but I don't know if it's cool to miss work that often and I worry about sticking my arm that much.

You can donate platelets 24 times a year. The limit is based on red blood cells in your body. They count the number of red blood cells you've lost in one year, as long as it stays below a certain number, you can continue donating. If you donate platelets 24 times a year, you cannot do any whole blood donations at all. I tried to reach a balance last year and just made the nurses life miserable with the math.

From what I understood, if I donated whole blood every 6 weeks, I couldn't donate platelets more than once or twice in that same period. At one point I was turned down for blood donation because my numbers lost was too high. At that point I decided to commit fully to one over the other. More people donate whole blood so I do platelets.

Thanks for the answer to my quick question that apparently didn't have a quick answer or you might just really be long winded. Just to let you know you have motivated me to give blood and platelets now. I haven't given platelets yet but I plan too in the next week. In the past I have given blood only when it was convenient. At school, at work, etc. That is really just an excuse I used. I drive by the donation bank every time I go to campus, it's not out of the way.

Just to let you know who I am and why I read your blog so you don't think I am crazy. I am Michael Vanderlan, a graduate student at the University of Tennessee under Dr. Wilck. So basically I started reading his blog but all the good sports posts are on Morales' blog so I read that and vote regularly. You have one of the more interesting blogs linked to Who Lurks? so I read.

Congratulations on beating the car in the man vs. machine challenge. You probably saved enough money to get the parka you needed. If you continued a few more months then you could by a new bike too. Either way, very impressive. Continue the great work.

Thanks man! I appreciate the kind words! I love movies and I love Little Debby snacks, so doing something good like donating platelets works out perfectly.

How do you know Morales? He and I were roommates in college at VT. I miss him a lot, he's too funny.

I'll probably do the man vs. machine challenge once a year, next April maybe. I do need a new bike, it was tough having to do the month on a mountain bike and not road bike.

And yes, I'm always ridiculously long-winded. I never know when to shut up.

I only know about Who Lurks? through Joe W cross posting sports comments. I enjoy reading the rants of opinionated sports fans. Personally I am a Detroit fan so there hasn't been much to cheer about in my adult life. I don't know how your Bengals will fair this year either. Good luck with that. You made a good decision not picking Detroit to win ever, 0-16 doesn't just happen, you have to earn it.