Last weekend I bought all the wood and supplies in order to put up pegboard in the garage. I have my Mom to thank for that because her Christmas present to me was the money to buy all the supplies. Thanks Mom!! So I took off work early on Friday and put up the pegboard on the left side of the garage but didn't get time to do the right. Doing the left took me roughly 4 hours all together. I'm sorry I didn't take any before shots... I can't EVER seem to remember to do that and I don't know why.

I then took a picture of the right side since we'll get a before and after shot:

On Sunday, I skipped church (I know I'm bad but I NEVER do anymore since I'm involved in Kidstuf) and worked on the right side. The right only took me about 3 hours to do. And TA DA:

I can't tell you how happy I am to get so much junk hung up on the wall. I can finally open my tool box in the corner there (of the right side) without having a shovel or rake fall on me. Things are finally starting to have a place... and hopefully I can keep them there.
Things still left to do:
- Hang up my bike.
- Take the LONG ladder that is on the ground on the left side of the garage and hang it above the pegboard on the right side of the garage.
I also have another couple thank you's to throw out. Scott, I absolutely could not have done this project without that awesome level you got me last year. It was without a doubt the most used tool on the project. Jon, thanks so much for the truck! Whodey (my Mazda) thanks you too! Brian, the garage light you got me is amazing! Not only did it allow me to work with the garage down (since it's so flippin freezing outside) but it also creates some heat so the garage isn't so cold. And also another thank you to my Mom for the awesome electric drill! It is amazing and I don't think I could have chosen a better one!
Hopefully this also improves the value of the house a little bit! It definitely can't hurt! Now if only I could hang that stupid lawn mower...
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