Sunday, August 31, 2008

End of an Era

Let's be honest, half the reason why I loved having a foosball table is because Joey and Chandler had a foosball table in their apartment on the show Friends. There... I said it... that's how far my love for Friends goes... so today it was "the end of an era. No more J-man and Chandy" (a quote from season 6 episode 2). I have sold the foosball table. It was a wonderful game during bored times but we just don't play it anymore and it takes up space that could be used for other things like a play room for Daisy and Gryffin. Liz probably wants me to say a "dining room table" but we'll see, I don't know what we'd use that for =P.

So this afternoon it's getting hauled off. I asked $650 for it and ended up selling it for $550. Not too shabby if I say so myself. It's in perfect condition and I think both parties got a fantastic deal. It was a young couple who came by to look at it. Looks like they are going use it very very often as they live with some other friends.

So it is time to say goodbye to all 26 of the devoted players. You keep on kickin'. Score one for me in the next game. I'll miss you and never forget you. Although my skills might suffer, my love for you won't. R.I.P foosball table.


OMG! How much did you pay for that thing? you got $550 for it? I had NO idea those silly...ahem...awesome tables cost so much! So, whatcha gonna do with the dough?