Monday, August 29, 2011

Making it Livable

Contrary to what my last blog post may suggest, I don't sit and watch TV all day long. Maybe just on the weeknights after work? For the longest time we've wanted to make our third bedroom livable and this past weekend the stars aligned where I finally had the time and the tools to get the job done. Thank you Bobby for the tools!! The goal is to make it look the same as our second bedroom which I finished back in 2008.

So Friday night we went to Lowes and bought all the supplies and most of the day Saturday and Sunday I spent installing beadboard. I finished Sunday night but it was too dark to take pictures. All that needs to be done is painting the beadboard white and then painting the rest of the room a decent color other than it's current bland cream color. We also need to clean up the riff-raff, put some crap in the attic, and put the furniture in the proper place, but other than that we've gotten it up to livable standards. 

Here are the before pictures:

And now for the after pictures (ignore the terrible caulking job, it will be covered by paint):

I guess I still took the pictures when it was too dark outside. That is the advantage this room has over the other one. The sun sets on the other side of the house, so after about noon, it's super dark in there.