Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My Current Favorite Song

The song I declare to be my "favorite" rotates, as it should. Your taste changes. Sometimes in the morning, pancakes are my favorite breakfast and then by the end, I no longer like pancakes. Favorite can change quickly. For a long time my favorite song was Rascal Flatts "Here Comes Goodbye". It's still awesome but lately I have become absolutely obsessed with Lady Antebellum and this song just hits me every time. I could listen to it over and over again, and I have.

Now that I mention it, there isn't a song Lady A. has come out with that isn't amazing. Right now, they are easily my favorite to listen to. They have 2 CD's and I highly recommend both of them. I'd say their latest, "Need You Now", is slightly better, but just barely.

Check it out, Lady Antebellum - Hello World:


Love Lady Antebelium! Hillary Scott was kicked off American Idol twice. Look at her now!! Great name by the way. haha