Monday, October 11, 2010

I'm Famous

Not really famous but as close as I'll ever get. At my work's gym, they have this thing called the "Stall Street Journal". It is a one page newsletter that is posted all around the fitness center on the walls, in the locker room, and yes, in the stalls for everyone to read. The coordinator for the fitness center found out about my Me vs. Machine challenge from August and asked if he could highlight it in the Stall Street Journal for the September issue. I said absolutely and sent him all the stats I had compiled.

So for the whole month of September I was quasi-famous to the 300 or so people that go to the gym. While I do have the whole newsletter online, I don't want to post it on the blog for the sake of... privacy? Just don't feel like it's right to post my work gym's stuff on the blog. BUT, here is the clip from the newsletter for everyone to read.

(click it to see it bigger)