Saturday, July 9, 2011

Tools, I Can Wield Them

Yeah OK, it wasn't that big of a deal, but Liz is excited about it, and that's all that matters.

We're beginning to renovate our kitchen by peeling off the laminate from the cabinets and painting them and yadda yadda yadda. Well we wandered around Lowe's today and Liz realized something she really wanted that we could install in the kitchen, one of those Pull Out Kitchen Sink Crap Holder Thing. That's my name for it. I think the box's official named though is "Sink Front Tray".

So I went to town and installed it when we get home. Here is the before picture. Notice the laminate still on it and the wood is completely nailed into the cabinet.

And here is the after picture with the laminate off and tray thingy installed:

And here is the crap that we'll hold in it. 

Liz got motivated this morning and peeled off the rest of the laminate from all the other cabinets so we are gearing up for a big Lowe's trip where we'll get all our supplies. I also have some wood working to do for the kitchen too so I need to get started on that. Liz is starting to make a honey-do list. Bring it!

Man, I have so many blog posts to make...