Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sweet Birthday Present

My main reason for running the Seattle Marathon last week was because it was my 30th birthday. When we planned the trip, I figured there is nothing more awesome than doing something awesome on such a big day in your life. 30 years old is a considerable birthday, I'll admit.

Well anyone who knows me, also knows I don't like celebrating birthdays. I don't like the attention and I think it takes egotism to seek it on your birthday. I tend to think people who want to be treated like kings or queens on this one day, would probably have it that way the other 364 days of the year if they had their choice. It's just not an appealing behavior to me and I'd rather just not be bothered. I don't need a day to celebrate myself, the concept just sounds ridiculous.

So the night before the marathon, as I'm preparing all my things and getting my race outfit together, Liz busts out one more birthday present for me. It was a race shirt that was slightly different from the one I intended on running with. Needless to say, it took some convincing and time before I relented in wearing it during the race. Unfortunately, the only pictures we have are not of a high quality. So these will have to do.

And then here is a picture from on the course:

 So let me just say that this little plan by Liz to make my birthday memorable was beyond successful. We got on our shuttle around 4AM and were heading to the start line. When I stepped on the bus, there was a row of 3 seats with 6 girls and they all yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" in unison like it had been planned. That's a lot for 4AM. They didn't plan it, they just saw my shirt at the same time. 

On the course, literally I had 30 or 40 people yell Happy Birthday at me per mile. Water stations were like a smörgåsbord of Happy Birthday's. My philosophy was to walk through the stations and drink my water slowly. This allowed each and every one of the volunteers to read my shirt slowly, and not only wish me a Happy Birthday, but then use my name as I walked by. 

At the beginning of the race, I would give a thumbs up and smile and yell "thanks!". Later on in the race, when I was exhausted, I'd just give a thumbs up and any smile I could muster. One unexpected result of the t-shirt though, was the runners around me were starting to get annoyed at my attention. 30 birthday wishes per mile is a lot take for those running with me for more than a mile. After a couple miles one guy turned to me and said: "Let me guess, is it your birthday?"

So mark this down as one of my most memorable birthdays thanks to Liz and the t-shirt. As Liz put it, "you're hating it and loving it at the same time." She got the biggest kick out of it. It was hilarious the attention it attracted, but it's just not inside me to enjoy that. I was getting used to it though. Later on that night while walking to dinner after having changed into normal clothes, I said to Liz jokingly "Why did that street vendor not wish me a Happy Birthday?!" 

I probably wouldn't want to do this again but every 10 years, so hopefully when I turn 40, I can bust the shirt out again and change the number on the back. Maybe I can get Liz to wear it on her 30th birthday! Payback is coming.