Monday, February 6, 2012

One Week House Project

Back in December I started a project in the garage, but I didn't get very far. I bought a few materials just to start it, and wrote a plan on paper. I decided today that I should/could get it done in 1 week. That is a heck of a task with all I have going on.

With a baby on the way, STUFF is piling up in the house. Mainly because our new baby room used to be the storage shed of the house. Anything that didn't have a place, went into that room. Now that the room is cleaned out and baby-fied, that stuff no longer has a place. I could put it in the attic, but that's an ordeal in itself, and the attic only has so much space. Currently the-crap-with-no-home is filling our guest room, and with many family and guests coming in town for the baby, SOMETHING has to happen.

So the project is to build 46 square feet of shelves above the garage door. They will be 2 feet deep, and there will be a total of 23 feet running along the back and sides of the garage. They'll hang roughly 4 feet down from the top of the garage, which still means that the shelves will still be about 11 to 12 feet off the floor.

I figured there's no way I'd complete this in one weekend, so every day this week I will need to do something that gets me closer to completion. Here's my schedule:

  • Monday: Clean out the work area and draw a level line around the garage to denote where the shelves will hang. 
  • Tuesday: Find all the studs on the walls and mark them. This may sound like an easy task, but if my stud finder hasn't improved, I'll be doing the nail-tapping method. 
  • Wednesday: Take an inventory of all my supplies and purchase whatever remaining material I need. 
  • Thursday: Screw in a small strip of wood as guiding line for where the shelf will be placed.
  • Friday: Find the studs in the ceiling where the metal strips will be screwed into the ceiling. 
  • Saturday & Sunday: Assemble shelves then hang them. 
I don't think my week day tasks are that difficult, so on the nights I have more free time, I'll try to get more done.

I'll be sure to take pictures throughout the process.