Friday, January 23, 2009

Brain Farts

About two weeks ago, I said something really random to Liz that caused a good amount of laughter. But this isn't just a one time occurrence. Anyone who knows me, knows that I say some awfully random stuff and it just comes out of nowhere. Often times, I will say "You know what?" and my friends will say "Oh no... what?"

So after my random comment, Liz says "you know what you should do? Every time you have these random thoughts, just write them down, and after one week, post them on the blog as brain farts". So here they are... my random thoughts over the past week... enjoy :)

  • if i were to interview for a job at a daycare, couldn't they just hand me the worst 4 month old they have and see how i feel after an hour.
  • wouldn't it be handy if after a shower, i could just step out and shake off like dogs do. no towel would be needed.
  • i thought about this while running and watching the news. We only get ONE life to live, can you believe Blagojevich chose to do that with his one opportunity? oh my gosh, never mind, O.J. Simpson.
  • if i were still in college, i wonder what kind of attention i could get by declaring that I would forgo my senior year, and enter the NFL draft. could i get any team to really seriously evaluate me even if i was just a computer science major and not a football player?
  • if blooper were given a new definition... what could i make it mean?
  • is there a worse job than being a disher washer for the show "iron chef"?
  • if i could choose any animal to have the same temperament as a dog... i think id choose a tiger... i wonder if im allergic?
  • if gryffin were a person, he'd be really selfish and drive a huge truck that annoys everyone around him. also he would let his dog poop on your lawn with no remorse.


Priceless! Keep writing those down!