Saturday, April 7, 2012

Doggies and Cole Collide

Wow, I can't believe it has been 2 days since we got home from the hospital. I don't think we were fully prepared for just how little sleep we would be able to get. Cole likes to eat ALL the time, which makes it hard on Liz. She is turning into a vampire, staying up all night and trying to sleep in the day. I try to do my best to take duties during the day and Liz takes duties at night. One thing I did not expect is how little a dirty diaper would bother me. Liz told me this morning that it was the first time she had changed his diaper. I guess I'm doing something right then! There is nothing I can't swaddle or diaper.

I wanted to post some pictures from our first couple days. Here are Daisy and Gryffin meeting Cole for the first time:

Daisy wants to lick him, but all Gryffin wants to do is smell him. Yesterday Gryffin dug into a short trash can we have and tore apart a dirty diaper. Liz walked in and he was tearing into the diaper and the diaper wipe. We plan on switching to cloth diapers soon, but in the mean time I went out and got a cheap Diaper Pail trash can to stop Gryffin and help with dirty diaper smells.

I had to take a picture of our mailbox when we got home. Gramma went out and got some balloons. It was kinda cool, when I walked out with the camera to take a picture, a neighbor walked by and said congratulations. I'm still getting used to the concept of being a Dad, and getting that recognition and having these balloons on the mailbox is helping with my realization.

He has had a few smiley moments while he's been sleeping or drowsy. Obviously he isn't smiling at anything in particular, but it's cool to get a glimpse of our future with him.

Daisy and Gryffin are clearly having trouble with jealousy. They recognize the fact that Cole is a little thing living with us and he's getting more attention than they are. So every chance they get, they snuggle up on us just so they feel included.

The last picture I'm including is one we snapped this morning and I CANNOT get over how dark his complexion is. It's almost like he has a tan! I joked at the hospital that he is so full of muscle and bones and not as much baby fat, that he practically has a 6 pack of abs. Now with a tan, I guess he's getting ready for some Summer beaches!!

We had our first doctor's appointment on Friday and he passed with flying colors. We have another one on Monday, although I'm not quite clear on why it's so soon after his first appointment. Oh well, I guess doctor knows best.


Aw, I'm glad everything is going so well for you guys. Those are some adorable pictures. We had several appointments early on with Pia as well. My guess is that they want to get several weight measurements so they're sure Cole is getting enough to eat. It sounds like you guys are doing great, though.

sweet pictures. our youngest aaron had the same dark complexion when he was born! enjoy!