Monday, April 16, 2012

Best Two Weeks of My Life

That is quite a bold title for a blog post, but I think it's true. The last two weeks with Cole, Liz, and Gramma have been the best 2 weeks of my life. People warned me of both how hard it was to have a child and how rewarding it was, and both are 100% true. It's not easy but already the time spent with him and  experiencing that rush of emotion when Cole was born, that alone made it all worth it.

I went back to work today and that was not easy at all. I brought a digital picture frame with pictures loaded, so that helped, but it was still difficult to leave the house. Had to get back to real life sometime, right? I'm sure every new Dad (or Mom) can relate, but you begin to realize how much you are going to miss of his life. You can't be there all the time to see the new stuff. At least I get to hear about it from Liz. I can't help but be a little jealous though.

Lets see, what have we done for 2 weeks? Lots of little trips outside the house, like errands and lunches. Last weekend we went to see Cole's best friend Ethan for Easter. I don't think they've had their eyes open at the same time, so they may not have actually seen each other yet, but they will in time! We also went to the Farmer's Market last week. It's amazing how easy it is to park and walk around on the weekdays when it's not SWARMING with people. The only time we've ever been there is on the weekend. Here is a picture of me "bjornin' it" at the market (baby bjorn):

I've only done it once so far, but I loved carrying him in the baby bjorn. It's so incredibly easy and your hands are free to carry things or tickle feet or whatever! And he was as happy as could be too, sleeping right through.

And here are a couple pictures from the last couple days. Oh we got a stretch-smile:

And tonight he was a little hot, so he got some diaper-only time. He LOVES his pacifier!

There's so much to look forward to, but I'm already in shock that 2 weeks has come and gone so fast! I can't wait for the days to come.