Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"The Next Time" Game

When we first found out that Liz was pregnant back in July, we started playing this game. We're due in March? That's forever from now, we have tons of time. But do we really?

The game is pretty simple. Randomly we would say "The next time" and then finish the sentence with something that will occur after we have our baby.  It's an easy way for us to realize we really do not have a lot of time. The baby is coming, and it's right around the corner. I wish I would have written all of them down, because some of them were HILARIOUS. But I'll write out what I can remember, most of the non-funny ones.

  • The next time the Summer Olympics are on. 
  • The next time the Winter Olympics are on, we'll have a 2 year old! (holy crap)
  • The next time there is a World Cup, we'll have a 2 year old. 
  • The next time there is a Spring finale of Biggest Loser. 
  • The next time there is a presidential election.
  • If Obama has a second term, the next time we elect a new president, we'll have a 5 year old. Now THAT is weird.
  • The next time I have a birthday.
  • The next time we have a day off for Memorial or Labor Day. 
  • The next time we fly on a plane, now that is weird. 
  • The next time we are able to go to Movies in the Park nights at the Art Museum. 
You get the idea. All these events and activities we have lived with over the last 5 years, are now going to be drastically changed. But so far life hasn't changed at all, except Liz's belly is a little bigger than it used to be. This is just our way of making it real.

Also my sister sent us a onesie in the mail today, that did a pretty good job of making it real.


I remember buying milk once while I was pregnant with Callie. For the first time, the expiration date on the milk was AFTER her due date. Whoa. That made it real for me.

Congrats, by the way, on having a boy! Very exciting!

Hillary - I had the identical milk experience, and it was really surreal.

I guess my other "the next time" moment deals with my license plate. I was randomly given 2K25, so I like thinking about how I'll make 2025 a banner year.. that I share with my 14 year old daughter.