Friday, October 21, 2011

It's a Boy!!

Well we had our big ultrasound yesterday and had the sonographer write down the baby's sex so we could open it at dinner. We thought that might be tough because we weren't sure how obvious it would be. Good thing most everything looks like patchy blobs to us because we couldn't tell. She had us look away when she was specifically looking for it.

This entire time we've been thinking it was a girl just because of what our doctor said at the 12 week appointment. He certainly misled us, that's for sure. Boy or girl, we would be thrilled just as long as the baby is healthy, and it sounds like all is well.

It was actually difficult for the sonographer though, because he was kicking and moving around like crazy. At one point on the screen, we could literally see him kick is his legs straight out and then curl up, over and over again. The sonographer was laughing because she was having a hard time getting pictures of the important stuff (organs) with all the movement. Sounds like we're going to have our hands full!!

We got a bunch of pictures from the ultrasound, but I thought I'd share our 2 favorites:

Everything in the pictures are a little bumpy, but that's just the inexact science that is taking pictures during the ultrasound. The one above is our favorite.

The picture below is one we had a hardy laugh about. Liz said "Oh my gosh, it looks so frail, I need to eat more!"

But believe me, she's eating enough. He's progressing just fine. Today marks week 18!


Congratulations! I'm amazed your ultrasound technician could even guess at the sex at week 12. I had ultrasounds done at weeks 8, 22, and 25, and we didn't get a definitive sex determination until week 25.

congrats again! amazing pictures. i can remember ours way back when and it was just a jumble of black and white haze. thx for sharing!