Thursday, October 6, 2011

Blue Ridge Relay Pictures

I thought I took more pictures than this. But here are all the good pictures from our Blue Ridge Relay Race. I need to do a better job of spreading the camera around because all the pictures are of not-me.

Here is our van of 6 before the race is about to start. It's 7AM at the top of Highlands State Park.

John is our first runner, he's on the far right in the gray.

Trying to keep up with the front runners. He smoked the first leg!

And now his legs are on fire. Nothing heals calf cramps like some compression socks, but more importantly, nothing says "I don't care what it takes to feel better" like a guy in pink compression socks.

Van writing is HILARIOUS. This is just a small idea of what I'm talking about. If you can't read it, it says "You've done a marathon? How cute"

Gatorade is the fuel of choice.

Here is Super Matt. His special powers are seeing in the dark, outrunning his enemies, and then spraying them with water. He also taunts his enemies and their poor hunting skills by wearing a reflective vest, as if they could ever catch him with or without the vest.

John's coming in to finish his 2nd leg, and Matt is about to go out to tackle the beast, a 10 mile run up Grandfather Mountain. (And when I say "up", I mean it never is flat or downhill).

Waiting for Matt, I took a picture of the Grandfather Mountain monument. The view is gorgeous.

This is what every check point looks like. 15 passenger vans for miles. We referred to our van as "Vanna White", because we were the only van with no writing. We forgot markers for our van.

And here is the team picture of "The Runegades" at the finish line. We didn't really break any record or anything, but finished in a respectable 31 hours. We started at 7:30AM on Friday morning and crossed the finish line around 2:30PM on Saturday. Next year I'll do better taking pictures, because yes, there will definitely be a next year!!