Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hard at Work

Now that I'm done with all the wood work that needs to be done in the kitchen, my girl is stepping it up and painting like a mad woman. We took all the upper cabinet doors down and she's spent a few hours in the garage both yesterday and today painting up a storm. Now I just gotta get crackin' on the inside cabinet part, that was my job.

We're using Low VOC primer and no VOC white paint for the kitchen. I don't know anything about it but apparently it's an environmentally responsible and less-stinky paint to use. The only down side is the higher cost, but if we're adding less pollutants in the air, the small extra we have to pay is worth it. We are so super psyched. Can't wait to have this kitchen done and looking awesome!!

I might just go buy an air compressor and nail gun tomorrow... so much excitement in this house.