Monday, September 19, 2011

Gryffin is a Runner

One thing I have always wanted is a running dog. I am pretty sure the next time (which I hope is 20 years down the line) we get a dog, I'll consider exercise into the equation. 

The last two days I've taken the dogs around the neighborhood. One thing has become blatantly obvious to me, every time I try and run, Gryffin outruns me and doesn't stop until forced to. I have never given him a chance, but I honestly think he's a runner, and I'm going to give him a chance.

Yesterday Liz and I took the dogs for a walk. I took them individually and did a little jogging with each one. Not much of a distance at all, but enough to get their heart going for sure. Today I went on a run with them. This was not an easy little stroll around the neighborhood, it was meant to be at most a constant jog, and at the very least a walk/jog combo.

To be honest, Daisy enjoys running as far as the fun of it will take her. She's a little chihuahua, what do you expect? When we start out from the house, she runs for a good minute. It's fun, she bounds around, and bites Gryffin along the way. She LOVES it at the start. From that point on though, every time we start to run, she'd go about 10 seconds and then stop and sniff and analyze every grass blade. If she gets tired, she'll walk at her own pace, and I have no chance of rushing her. She's made it very clear that she's in control of her own exercise.

Gryffin on the other hand continues to show an interest in running. Tonight's run, it was go-go-go the entire time except for about 3 moments where he did his #1's and a #2. He wants to run fast and for a long time and rarely slows up. In fact, not only does he run fast, but he pulls on the leash as if I'm a sled. Tonight was only a mile run but the dog has energy.

I am actually contemplating taking him on a longer run (2 miles) at a slower pace to see if he could do it. He's got short legs, but big muscles and an even bigger heart. I seriously never imagined loving this little boy as much as I do. He means so much to me, so the last thing I want to do, is put him in a situation he can't handle. But Gryffin's actions are speaking loud and clear. He wants to run, so as a runner myself, I can't help but nurture that. 


One benefit of having small dogs: If you tire Gryffin out on a longer jog than he can handle, you can always carry him home.