Over the past week, my Mazda 3, lovingly named "WhoDey", has really showed me a lot of love so I wanted to post with a little love back. 4 years ago when I bought the car I was living in the townhouse with some friends barely doing any home or woodworking projects. Now my days are always filled with doing stuff around the house that requires a large car. I can't help but admit that there have been times when I've thought about cheating on WhoDey to get a truck or something handy like that. But WhoDey continues to amaze me with his versatility. (Yes WhoDey is a male, "Chad Johnson" is my navigation system and she is a girl, they're a couple).
There has only been one project in our house that WhoDey could not handle, and it was building the storage in our garage. The beadboard was just too big. But in thinking back on all the projects I've done around the house, it's incredible that WhoDey handled it. WhoDey took several tons of concrete out of the backyard to the landfill. WhoDey rebuilt our deck.
WhoDey is now building our raised bed garden. Last week he hauled roughly 130 25lb. stones from Lowe's to our backyard. Today he exceeded my expectations and hauled 9 8 foot boards, and get this, 3 10 foot boards. I did not think I could get 10 foot boards into it, those are CRAZY LONG boards. I was standing in Lowe's and thought, "there's no way, these will be hanging out the back". I was amazingly able to close the trunk the whole way without any wood sticking out. Check out his muscles:

Anyone who has been in the car, knows I try to keep it super clean, but these projects have come at a cost. Last week he got a little scratch on the leather in the front seat when the cover slipped out of the way of the stone and today he got a nick in the dashboard from the wood sitting on it. I do my best to take care of him, but those are unavoidable when doing what I'm doing. A car is a car, and it's meant to be used. I know that. But I still can't help but be very angry when I see WhoDey getting nicks and scratches.
At Lowe's this afternoon, I had two people in trucks smirk at me, as I started to load WhoDey with the wood. I hadn't started yet, and they gave me the look of "get a truck, that stuff's not going to fit". WhoDey had my back.
oh my goodness, you are crazy. I had no idea your car and navigation system were dating.
By: Liz on March 2, 2010 at 7:42 PM
She's right! You ARE crazy, but I love that you love your car!
Don't you want to just smirk at those redneck goofballs in their big trucks (okay...maybe they're not ALL rednecks)? They have NO idea what they're missing, in so many ways! The sporty ride, the parallel parking, the gas mileage! I bet they're missing a LOT of bills in their wallets every time they leave the gas station.
Anything they can do, WhoDey can do better!
I kinda want to stick my thumbs in my ears and wiggle my fingers while I stick out my tongue. So childish, I know, but I LOVE my Mazda3, too!
By: Hillary on March 3, 2010 at 12:39 AM
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