Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hilarious Google Searches

I use Google Analytics to keep track of traffic on our blog. It's clear that posting more often renders more hits and more visits. It's hard not to enjoy seeing that more people visit if you post more, no matter how crappy or self-involved the information is. But there is one feature of Google Analytics that is awesome. It can tell you whether a visitor came from a search engine and what they searched for in order to find your blog. So not only is this post in reference to hilarious Google searches, but Google searches that find this blog.

Just for kicks, I looked at Analytics about a month ago and started cracking up at what keyword searches find this blog. It's really unreal that someone can search on something utterly ridiculous and be pointed here. I guess they have to be pointed somewhere right? So I decided that I have to make a post about this. I have excluded the simple and more common ones like searches for "fulton blog" or something like that, but here are the searches that have found our blog in the last year, from the completely normal to the completely absurd:

  • "bloggable" (13 hits by the way)
  • "rascal flatts"
  • "we are bloggable liz"
  • "j-man and chandy"
  • "my toes" "my ankle" "blog" "sprained"
  • "this is not a taxi my friend"
  • "this is not a taxi my friend, i promise"
  • "also that mix cd... uh that i left on your doorstep was the last one that i'll be making for you. more or less"
  • "bengals get no credit still"
  • "bloggable pictures"
  • "clearest ocean water near puerto vallarta"
  • "donut sayulita"
  • "Kidstuf in Cincinnati"
  • "mazda3"
  • "picture proving bengals missed field goal"
And this is hands down my absolute favorite:
  • "Ochocinco Ray Lewis bar of soap"
This whole exercise of seeing what causes users to arrive at our blog got me thinking two things:
  1. I think my blog posts need to be more descriptive in the title from now on so as to attract more hits and more people. I'm making the assumption that it's the title that matters, but that concept extends to the whole post really. It's not that I want people following us, it just humors me when people find our blog for almost no reason. Like instead of making a blog post that is titled "You Won't Believe What We Found In Our Hallway", we would instead make the post titled "Huge Yellow Mexican Cockroach Followed Us Home". (side note: that's a true and terrifying story, may be worth a post itself).
  2. What ridiculous words, phrases, or concepts can I blog about in order to get Google to list this site as being #1 in the search. Would I have to make up a word like "Monstrocious"? I just came up with that on the fly, it's an adjective that describes an atrocious monstrosity.
Maybe in a few days I'll do a Google search to see if I'm the number one hit for Monstrocious. Score!


This should help: http://www.ssw.com.au/ssw/standards/Rules/RulesToBetterGoogleRankings.aspx

I would think more traffic would be driven about your handy projects. Or the birds in your birdhouses.

I have an idea. You guys should aim to be #1 for the search term "dog crate endtables" - make it happen.