Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Quick Small Project

So about 2 weeks ago, Liz and I disagreed about the number of items in the shower. It came down to me only needing a bar of soap, and she needing more than a bar of soap. For a long time it wasn't a problem because we had a metal shower hangy thing where things were stored. Then we replaced the standard shower head with a fancy shower head that included a hand held cord. That cord then got in the way of the metal hangy thing causing us to have to get rid of it. This got all the items on the metal hanger demoted to the ground. That demotion was the cause of the conversation about the number of items in the shower.

So my handiness kicked in and thought "I could build a shelf!" A couple hours later of cutting, screwing, sanding, painting, and we have a shelf. I realized today that I am very good at starting projects, but terrible at finishing them. So I got motivated tonight and finished this project at least. I built it kinda fancy so that the base of the shelf doesn't sit against the wall. I figured with water, steam, and mist, the least amount of contact with the wall the better. The shelf may not look level in the picture, and I think that's due to the shadows because it's dark and the angle of the picture, but I assure you, it is level. Maybe the shower frame isn't level... hmm....