Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Recently I've heard some inspiring phrases that I'd like to post. When it comes to working out here is an inspirational message that I think really pushes me at the gym:

"If you aren't uncomfortable, nothing will change."

It's probably pretty easy to go to the gym and walk through the motions but if I leave feeling tired and sweaty, I think that'll make the next visit a little better.

I can't remember where I heard the second one but here it is:

"Life is full of choices and it's those choices that define who we are."

It's like we only have one shot at a "choose your own adventure" book, so don't lead your life through the pages of the bad choices.

I like the part in the book where Liz and I are. I think we've made good choices up to this point and I hope it continues to lead us in the right direction.