Monday, July 23, 2012

That's How Cole Rolls!

This evening, while Liz was at the gym, Cole was on the ground and was being super active. He was kicking his legs and scooting on his stomach as he pushed himself inch by inch. I thought it was funny so I got the video camera out. Early in July, Cole perfected the rollover from his back to this stomach. We have been concerned though because he has yet to roll over from his stomach to his back... until tonight! How often do you catch a "first" for your child? I feel so lucky to have caught it on camera, and it was a wonderful surprise for when Liz got home. Now you get to enjoy:


Brynn and I loved watching that. Here are her comments: 1. Cole looks like Uncle Michael. Like, a LOT like Uncle Michael. 2. Cole's hair looks like Uncle Michael's. Like, you know, more in the front? 3. Cole is so cute.

We loved his expression when he saw how excited you were. And, Brynn really laughed at the shot of Daisy at the end. Too funny. What a cutie you've got!

That's adorable. I found myself smiling encouragement at Cole once he made it on to his stomach.