Friday, July 27, 2012

Another First for Cole: Imitation

This evening I sat down with Cole while Liz went out to the garden to pick some veggies. For a few weeks now I have been messing with Cole and hoping he would imitate me. Well today he finally did it!! I've been sticking my tongue out at him and bubbling my lips. Usually it draws laughs or smiles from him, but tonight he started doing it himself. His best few were before I busted out the camera, but I caught a couple good ones. I feel bad he's doing these firsts while Liz leaves the house, but at least I'm catching them on camera. Someday he'll start walking while I'm at work, and that'll make up for it.

I love spending time with this boy!


That is so awesome. Love it!!!

so, were you blowing bubbles too? ;-)