Saturday, April 9, 2011

March 2011 Movies

I've noticed that anytime I write down the movies we watch, I sometimes reveal a little too much. So you have to assume that with some of my comments, I may reveal move than you would like me to. Also, every month I feel like we haven't watched that many movies, but here there are 17 movies and a whole season of Anthony Bourdain. Here's what we watched in March:

  • Crazy Heart (2009) - 4 stars - We watched this movie because it was critically acclaimed and was up for many awards. It's awesome and just as advertised. Technically the story line was somewhat boring, but the acting and music was phenomenal. Really enjoyed it.
  • Welcome to Durham (2006) - 1 star - We didn't finish this. It was awful. It was made to outline the history of gang violence in Durham. All they did was get gang members to spit garbage into the camera. It had no story line or information of any kind. The only interesting part was the beginning where they outlined the brief history of Durham.
  • Ninja (2009) - 2 stars - The one thing I remember about this movie is how ridiculously ripped the main character was. I've never seen a white guy more ripped than that. I like the idea of ninjas, but it rarely translates into good movies. 
  • Predator (1987) - 5 stars - Awesome movie. I hadn't seen it in a while. As it turns out, this is the only predator movie where the predator actually does any hunting of any kind.
  • She's Out of My League (2009) - 4 stars - This was a lot funnier than I thought it would be, but as you can expect, the plot was totally ridiculous. It was refreshing to see the movie put the main character into a 21st century job as a TSA security guard. That definitely contributed to the comedy.
  • The Wolfman (2010) - 3 stars - This movie won an Oscar for best make-up. I can tell why. Decent werewolf movie.
  • Kindergarten Cop (1990) - 3 stars - "Take your doll back to the carpet." "I'm not a policeman I'm a princess." "It's not a tumor." Love this movie.
  • Monster's Ball (2001) - 2 stars - This movie gets talked about like it's amazing. What was so great? The boring middle or mediocre ending? We were not impressed.
  • Burn After Reading (2008) - 2 stars - There are a few actors that I cannot stand to look at in a movie. John Malkovich is one of them. I've never liked anything he's done, including the movie "Being John Malkovich". So as you can imagine, I didn't like this either. The Netflix overview called it an "irreverent tale", more like irrelevant.
  • Dempsey (1983) - 2 stars - I love boxing movies, but this was boring. I don't recall having finished it either. I lost interest.
  • Prince of Persia (2010) - 3 stars - This was better the second time around. The ending is absolutely absurd, they could have improved that, but every other part was enjoyable. I've never been a huge fan of Jake Gyllenhaal, but he did a good job.
  • Grown Ups (2010) - 3 stars - It had it's funny moments, but for the most part it was silly.
  • Zombieland (2009) - 3 stars - I didn't know what to expect with this one. How can a zombie movie be funny?? Now I get it. There were a few jumpy moments, but it was genuinely funny, most especially following the rules of Zombieland. Like rule #1: cardio. I love how they portrayed this one.
  • Paper Heart (2009) - 1 star - Terrible movie. How did this female lead get famous? Charlyne Yi. She is a wet blanket on a movie. She has no charisma and has a monotone voice. I can't stand her, maybe it's because the first role I saw her in was as a pot junky in Knocked Up.
  • Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations (season 1) (2005) - 2 stars - I love learning about other countries and the foods that they serve, but I can't stand Anthony Bourdain. That poses a problem, and I think I've decided to stop watching his show. He has no redeeming qualities, he's only funny because of his self-deprecating tendencies. What bothers me the most though is the fact that he smokes. Not only that but they actually show him flicking away his cigarettes on camera. "The world is your ashtray" has never been more true. I am tempted to keep watching so I can see more of other countries, but I don't think I can do it.
  • Thirteen Days (2000) - 4 stars - I thought Kevin Costners accent was going to ruin the movie for me, but after I got over that, it turned out to be a good movie. Although one thing to note, it's not too common you can make a movie where the climax is something that DOESN'T happen. I can imagine the director struggled with that one. If this is historically accurate, I feel more informed over what happened during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
  • Facing the Giants (2006) - 5 stars - I don't cry watching a lot of movies, but you couldn't help getting choked up by the ending. This movie is overwhelmingly religious, and basically mirrors the story of Job. The best scene in the movie is the one on the football field where he breaks down the star player. This movie is a classic sports movie and is a can't miss.
  • The North Avenue Irregulars (1979) - 2 stars - I think this movie was made for kids, and it showed.


Correction: "Zombieland" = at least 4 stars. I loved that movie, and I don't even like the zombie genre at all (yes, the undead have their own genre). Bill Murray and Woody Harrelson! C'mon!