Friday, October 10, 2008

Deceiving Politics

I recently promised myself that I wouldn't post or comment on anything else political... ever. So while this post does have to do with politics, it's less controversial and I felt OK to post about.

I was having a conversation with John(and most of the people who read this blog would remember him as one of my groomsmen) at work today and this part of it was just too hilarious not to post here because the topic has been on my mind so often lately. If it doesn't make sense why his nickname is Mathis Jackson, don't worry about it, it's a long story. Here's the short convo:

Mathis Jackson: yeah...and it also has that horrible side effect we're seeing now
Mathis Jackson: BILL 17432: Resolution to give tax breaks to convicted felons
Amendment 791462: Funding for soldiers shall increase by $100

Mathis Jackson: Candidate bob: i vote no
Mathis Jackson: later, candidate frank: "CANDIDATE BOB VOTED TO DENY FUNDING FOR OUR TROOPS!"
Me: haha!!!
Me: can i put that on the blog?
Mathis Jackson: haha, sure
Me: awesome
Me: im still laughing
Me: that's a perfect example of how assanine advertising is too

This brings me to the topic that's been on my mind. Anyone who hears a political advertisement and actually believes what is being said, is truly being duped. Never before have I been so informed (and by informed I mean I can usually give a brief overview of the plans of both major candidates when it comes to most issues and I am by no means claiming to be an expert) and the advertising lately has just made me sick. The conversation above is a perfect example of why you should not pay attention to advertising when it comes to politics. The goal of a politician is to win no matter what it takes and that's why politics make me sick. It's never about the truth so never assume you're hearing any.


Also the corollary:

- "Candidate Jim, didn't you vote no in that bill as well?"

Ad hominems should be banned from political campaigns. If a voter isn't willing to research the candidates well enough to form an opinion about their character/history they don't deserve to vote.

The only thing more maddening than politicians stooping to this level is that for a decent percentage of voters it works.