Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wii Have Corrupted Her

We introduced Liza to the Wii tonight and boy was it an instant hit!! For anyone who has not played the Wii, it is amazing. So amazing that it breaks all international and communicative barriers. Liza picked up so quickly on how to play the games. I couldn't even explain how the games worked and within 30 seconds she knew what she was doing. She is also sporting her brand new Hello Kitty sunglasses that she hasn't yet taken off since we bought them. Here is the sweet video:

In this particular game, we have to wash laundry and then hold the laundry up to see if it's clean. If it is clean our character throws it to the side and we get points. If our laundry isn't clean, we have to keep washing. Liza somehow was a pro at this game and beat me every time. As you can see... I'm actually trying very hard!


She looks like she's having so much fun! Does her mom have internet access? Does she get to see this stuff?

Can I send my kids to you for a few weeks next summer??

Fulton, I hope you let her win. But knowing your competitive nature, its doubtful. Glad to see the Wii is still in use.