Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I Knew You Were Lying!!

The month of April was pretty dull but the months to follow will be anything but dull. This coming weekend I'm standing in Matt and Meg's Wedding in Baltimore and at the end of the month, my sister Annie and future brother-in-law Jacob are getting married in Arkansas and I'm standing in that one as well. If that's not awesome enough, June 17th is when our girl Yelizaveta comes to visit for 6 weeks.

This post isn't about the awesomeness to come in May, but about the lameness that just followed in April.

During the month of April, I did 3 things I haven't done in a long long time:

  • I haven't run or worked out in 3 weeks. I think the last time I went 3 weeks without working out, was probably 2004. I went from the first week in April to today without running just once. I have missed it and based on my run today, so has my body. I ran for 30 minutes and I wasn't tired when I finished but I could tell that my body was like "ah crap, not this again". I registered today for the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, D.C. It isn't until October 26th, but still, I don't want the summer to roll around without at least getting into decent running shape. Hopefully I can keep the running up.
  • I didn't gain weight without dieting or exercising. At the beginning of the month I weighed 183.6 and I have held steady for the last 3 weeks without exercising or dieting in any way outside of my previous post. If I don't workout or try really hard not to splurge on food, I consistently gain weight, no question about it. I still haven't been drinking soda or bad meat or bad vegetables, but I also haven't skimped on having a couple beers at nights or over stuffing myself for lunch and dinner. And even with that I have held steady at the same weight. It feels fantastic to say that. Hopefully with running starting back up, I can start to move myself toward my goal marathon weight of 165.
  • I lied to Liz. I can almost hear the collective blog reader gasp! You lied to your wife? Let me first say that I have NEVER lied to Liz before, no question about it. Yes, for the first time, I told a small lie, but I'm glad I did and I'll explain why. Here was the conversation:

    Liz: Hey, what did you eat for lunch today?
    Michael: Matt and I went to Rudinos for the pizza buffet, it was delicious.
    Liz: Oh yeah? that does sound good, what kind of pizza did you have?
    Michael: You know, the normal, cheese, and a couple slices with veggies.
    Liz: (sensing the lie) really? no meat or anything?
    Michael: no, just cheese and veggies, why?
    Liz: oh nothing, just curious
    .... 5 seconds passes by ...
    Michael: ALRIGHT! I HAD PEPPERONI AND SAUSAGE ON TWO SLICES! It's terrible I know, I'm sorry I lied but I have been feeling guilty about it all day and I couldn't take more guilt.
    Liz: Haha! I knew you were lying!!
    Michael: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have, but it was small pieces sitting there and they looked so good. I bet the pig didn't even notice they were missing.

    For everyone who read my last post, eating meat without knowing anything about it, is a no-no in our household from now on. So that's where the guilt comes from. But after talking about it, I think Liz took some satisfaction in knowing that I am about as transparent as glass when it comes to lying or being deceitful. It makes her life so much easier and comfortable. So I'm not happy that when pressed on a lie, I actually held up and continued, but I'm glad I did because it shows that our relationship is based on truth and nothing else. So that's the first, and hopefully the last time I ever say that I actually lied to Liz (keeping a secret like proposing is different).
Kinda glad April is over and May has just begun.

Look for a lot of pictures from all the weddings and then a massive number of pictures from our fun with Yelizaveta. Sorry this post has no pictures, we haven't been taking any...


Ha!! LOL! I hope you feel sick from eating part of a sad CAFO pig. :)