Monday, August 27, 2007

It's a girl!

No we didn't have a baby! But let me update you on what has happened since the last post:

  • We didn't talk to the lady from the organization until Sunday when we went through a brief interview and the conversation was a little odd. She started to divert from talking about Daisy and I had to bring the conversation back to her because that's all I wanted to talk about... I think she was trying to give us a different dog. At the end of the conversation she gave us the phone # of the woman named Jane who is fostering Daisy and taking care of her.
  • Just talked to Jane and the only concern she had was that we weren't home 24/7... I tried to let her know that we come home a lot and it's not a big deal. And by the end of the conversation, Jane said she is going to give her recommendation to the Carolina Animal Protection Society to let us adopt Daisy... WOO HOO!
So all that needs to happen now is the following:
  • A home visit from someone in their organization to see the environment that Daisy will be living in. I'm guessing that will go well because we are not liars.
  • We also will be driving down on Friday to visit her in Jacksonville, NC. Gotta get our playtime in!
  • Daisy will be getting spayed on September 6th along with getting some rabies shots. Ouchy, snip snip.
  • Then we will go pick her up ASAP! (Maybe September 7th or 8th?)
We also found out that the foster mom thinks Daisy is a mix of Chihuahua and Dachshund. Soooo without further ado... let me show you the two pictures of Daisy:

We are both ecstatic at this point, hopefully nothing changes! ... it's just a waiting game now...


Yay!! I was hoping there would be an update today. She looks adorable! Can't wait to meet her. :)

Woof! Bark bark bark! Sniff sniff. Hoooowwwwlllllllllllll!!!


She looks like such a sweet girl! Congratulations!