Sunday, June 3, 2012

Two Months Old!

Cole turns 2 months today! It's crazy, time is just flying by so fast!! It has been a lot of fun watching him grow, but I must admit, I feel like the best times are in front of us. He is growing more and more interactive and aware each day. He's finally smiling at us on command and it seems as though he is intentionally hitting toys that we hang in front of him. I also cannot wait to start introducing him to family who haven't met him yet. His growth is slow and steady, and the camera angle and zoom make his size in these pictures a little deceiving, but it's there:

I think what I have been most impressed with, is the strength in Cole's legs. He likes being held like he's standing up, he'll kick, take steps, bob up and down like he's doing squats, and at times even support his own body with his legs. I hope it means he'll be an avid soccer player or athlete. The other day a friend of ours asked if the soccer ball hanging from his car seat was a subliminal message to let him know he should like Soccer. I said "No, it's a direct message telling him I really want him to like Soccer". Don't get me wrong, he can enjoy and participate in whatever he wants, but I can't deny that I'm really excited to share with him a passion I've had my whole life. I look forward the days where we can kick the ball around together!

I've labeled the first 6 weeks of life as the "oblivious phase", and I'm so glad it's over. I think it's difficult to give love and care to a baby without receiving anything back. I'm not expecting gifts or flowers from an infant, but the occasional smile, coo, laugh, or eye contact go such a long way. There is so much satisfaction in being able to communicate with him on that small level. It makes the tough times like the crying and diapers so much more bearable. And like I said before, I think it can only get better from here!