Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas 2009

We only got a limited number of Christmas cards this year and weren't able to send them to all the people we wanted to. So here is the picture and text we sent in our card this year. Oh and Merry Christmas:

Dear Family & Friends,

Liz and I did something this year that we haven’t done since we’ve been together. And that something is nothing. Every year in the past has been marked by graduation, moving states, marriage, new house, new car, or getting a new puppy. All of these are significant changes in lifestyle and we are happy to report that we finally had a year of enjoying things just the way they are.

That’s not to say we haven’t had a wonderful year though. Liz enjoyed another year of singing in our church’s choir and was once again a soloist in the Christmas Cantata. She also pursued a new passion of hers in photography by buying a camera and taking classes. We also ran a half marathon together in Cincinnati. I have continued to advance my woodworking skills by creating 25 pieces from things as simple as crosses all the way to a nightstand. This is a passion of mine I plan to continue to improve upon in 2010. I have also continued hosting Kidstuf in our church, which is a weekly stage production put on for the Sunday school children.

And as for our little puppies Daisy & Gryffin, it is such a blessing to have two dogs that love each other so much. They really are best friends and it is such a joy to have them run around and play as much as they do. We couldn’t imagine our lives without them.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,

Michael, Liz, Daisy, & Gryffin


Now there's one good-lookin' family! The pups look bigger since we last saw them? Have they grown?? Love the haircut, Liz. :)