Friday, July 10, 2009

If You Whistle, They Want Food

So two new pieces of news today... Two of the little birdies hatched this morning and hopefully tomorrow morning the other two will hatch. It's so freaking awesome to watch these little birds. I discovered that if you open the door and whistle, then the birds will throw their heads up wanting food. I have seen the Mom and Dad bluebirds coming and going all day with food for their young. The parents don't seem to care that I open the door. Maybe they don't see me as a threat? If only they knew I'm here to help and not to hurt them. Here is a picture I took (with the old camera) after whistling at the babies.

(click the picture to see them better)

Pretty awesome right? We're super double excited. Building that birdhouse has got to be the best decision I've made all year.

Speaking of birdhouses, I have 100% finished the 10 birdhouses I've been building. They are all sitting in the garage ready to be sold. I sent an email to our neighborhood listserv this afternoon but haven't yet gotten even a nibble on them. In fact I received a response that was entirely the opposite of a nibble... criticism. That's not what I need right now. Should I stop trying to build things to sell and just do what I want to do? Or keep trying? My confidence has been slightly dashed.

I'll update if there is any progress on that.


I can't imagine what someone would complain about? They are just upset they did not think of it first. Keep on building.....because if you build it they will come;)

maybe you could try selling them at a craft fair in the fall? People there are looking for handmade crafts and I'm sure would love a birdhouse and they wouldn't be nasty complaining neighbors! Plus, it would be a fun weekend thing.

We have a couple of neighbors like that in our neighborhood. Nasty old people.

Callie is also super double hear your allusion to her in your blog.