Monday, May 11, 2009

Birds and Pictures Update

We can't tell you how exciting it is to follow the lives of the bluebirds in our birdhouse right now. By the way, there is no doubt about it, they are bluebirds. We'd take some pictures but they are super fast, especially when they see us. Not too long ago the mother dropped 4 eggs in the house and since then the birds have hatched and have grown to be quite large. I would be willing to bet that they are very close to leaving the nest soon.

Liz doesn't like that I do this but every now and then I will tap on the house to see if anyone is inside and if no Mommy or Daddy birds fly out, I'll open the lid to take a peak. The birds have only been awake one time, all the other times they'll be sleeping.

The Mom and Dad bird are so protective over their young. They are always either inside the birdhouse or sitting on our neighbors house watching their home. Yesterday we witnessed a squirrel running on our deck trying to get to the birdhouse and the Mom or Dad divebombing the squirrel to stop it. I was going to step in but Liz thought nature should take it's course... but to me the only course nature will take is for the squirrel to be run off... if he gets anywhere near our birdies, I'm going right out there. They don't seem to mind the dogs or Liz or I being near the birdhouse, in fact, we have opened it up on accident when they were watching. It's either because they don't see us as a threat or they see us as such a HUGE threat that they don't bother us.

And as I type, I am watching the Mom and Dad birds fight off a little tiny finch of some kind that is trying to peak inside. Hopefully the babies grow up and fly soon!! It's amazing to me that these little things are born and sit inside a dark box for a month and then all of a sudden climb up and go "ya know what, im flying today" without any hesitation. I realize they were meant to fly but it's amazing to me that it's in their nature. It takes us a freakin year to learn how to walk. It only takes them a month without even experiencing the world.

What's weird is, today I've been observing the Dad bird flying into the house and leaving with something every time... is he making space? Is he on poop removal duty? What's he doing?!

It is so much fun to watch it and I can only hope next year I have 2 or 3 more birdhouses around the yard to help the bluebird population of NC.

I didn't see these pictures until this weekend, but Liz has taken some fantastic pictures of Gryffin and I want to share them. Obviously I am no picture critic, but based on what I've seen of pictures, these are really good. Here are a few, but you can see more pictures of our trips and stuff at the picture album link at the top:

The last one is my favorite, he looks like he's in deep thought... we all know he's not.


oooooooo! Nice pictures Liz!

The Cinci trip pictures are great!