Friday, May 30, 2008

Best Fwends

These are just two pictures of the many photo opportunities Daisy and Gryffin have provided today. Daisy and Gryffin have quickly become two pees in a pod. They lay down together, they play together, and it seems like they enjoy spending time together. Anytime Liz or I come home Daisy always goes nuts and runs around the room in excitement. This is partly due to the fact that we entice her and go "MOMMA'S HOME!!!!" and hop up and down. Well Gryffin hasn't had the same emotional response yet but Daisy is doing her best to invoke it. Yesterday when I got home, the second the garage door noise started, Liz said Daisy jumped off one side of the couch, up and onto the other side of the couch to wake up Gryffin who was sleeping. She said Daisy pounced on him and then ran down the ramp to go to the garage door. Liz said it was as if Daisy said "Gryffin get up! Be excited! DADDY'S HOME!!" It seems like they love each other's company.

I took Gryffin to the vet and he checked out as a healthy puppy. We still gotta get his pooped anal-yzed though(pun intended), hopefully that goes OK.

Here are the pics:


Ima gonna steal dem puppehs!