Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Cole's New Skills

This past weekend was huge when it comes to Cole's development. He started moving and crawling a lot more, and is continuing to "sit-up" more often and for a longer amount of time. His old crawl and lunge methods are much more crawl than lunge these days, and he can fly across the floor now. But he also learned his most impressive skill so far, and that is standing.

He likes doing it on small furniture, but he is most proficient when we offer our hands to him. He pulls himself up on his knees, and then immediately pops up to his feet. He is still wobbly and is nowhere near the point of standing on his own, but he LOVES bouncing and weaving on his feet.

The following video shows 3 clips. The first and last clips show how quick he is at crawling around the floor now and the middle clip is his ability to stand. Liz's Mom is in town and she is his standing assistant in the video: