Sunday, March 18, 2012

Two Pictures of the Week

The past week of our lives could be summed up by two pictures. I'll start with the funny one first.

Last Spring I was talking about how great I think it would be if we shaved Daisy for the Summer. Liz responded with the opposite feelings, that she would look weird and ugly. I, as I do with things I think are good ideas, continued to mention it until this past weekend when we were trimming her unsightly hairs. Trimmer in hand I said "Oh I so badly want to shave her..." and Liz finally relented in and said "ugh, do what you want but I can't watch" So I took the shaver and went right down Daisy's back.

It was a battle, she hates the feeling of the buzzer on her skin, but we finally were able to get all the hair up to her neck. At that point she squirmed so much we just faded it in and left it. During the process I started feeling like we had made a HUGE mistake. At the time she looked butchered and hideous. After finishing and seeing how she looks, I completely changed my mind. I think she looks amazing and next Spring I may want to get her a professional cut. It won't be often at all, but at least I know she looks good if we do it.

Check out that power cable she's laying on. We're going to be awesome parents.

The next picture is my gorgeous baby momma. We are in the sit and wait mode. We feel like the baby could arrive any minute. Her due date is this Friday, the 23rd, but I just want our little boy to come out now so I can play with him. Hopefully he doesn't make us wait much longer!!


Daisy is cute, but Liz, you are gorgeous! So happy for you!