Saturday, June 11, 2011

It's All About Preparation

Today was the first week of the step down towards the marathon which required a long run of 12 miles this weekend. I definitely didn't prepare for this 12 mile run the same way I did last week for the 20 mile run.

Last Friday I ate healthy and drank 200 ounces of water before the 20 mile run. Yesterday I did basically the opposite. I had some pretty unhealthy food, ate way too much, and drank only 20 ounces of water all day. In fact I had a couple beers last night which tends to dehydrate you. It might not have been the best idea considering it was high 70's and pretty humid this morning, which is much different from last weekend's cool temperature!

Today's terrible run reflected my terrible preparation. When I had 5 miles left, I felt like stopping and I had almost nothing left in the tank. I pushed through it and ended up finishing with a dreadful time (relatively) considering how much I had to stop and walk. To be honest, I didn't prepare well on purpose. I figured that it would verify that good preparation is the key to my success. I also felt like I needed to push myself and there's no better way than running when tired and dehydrated. I'm not disappointed at all by the bad run. I feel like last weekend reflects my true fitness level and I'm confident I'm going into the marathon in really good shape.

Next week I have my last long run of 8 miles. You better believe I'll be preparing like crazy for it to make sure I knock it out of the park.