Sunday, April 10, 2011

Smelly Goodness

Remember when a few weeks ago I decided to make more room in the garden for veggies? I am so glad I decided to move the herbs to the deck because I had FUN at the greenhouse yesterday picking out my new herbs.

I may have gone overboard, and some of these plants might get bigger than I’m expecting, but that just means I have to cook more delicious food to keep them trimmed.

In the first planter we have parsley, thyme, oregano and rosemary. In the middle there is lemon basil, traditional basil, and chocolate mint. And in the last planter are chives and cilantro. I’m pleased with my variety and absolutely love how close they are to the back door. Since I planted yesterday, I’ve been going out every once in a while just to go smell the goodness.

And in other gardening news, my AWESOME husband surprised me with a compost mixer last weekend! I’m very excited that my vegetable scraps won’t be wasted in the disposal anymore.

Other vegetable plants and seeds will go into the garden tomorrow so stay tuned for more garden updates!


I can testify to the smelly goodness... it's amazing, especially chocolate mint. I'm thinking about getting an ice cream maker and using it in that somehow.